Monday 5 April 2010

Shock Test!

When the power which created us, envisaged us, he would have given great thought as to what kind of shocks its creation would be subjected to. The creator would have even considered the fact that those of creations which do not withstand certain shocks may return back to the designer’s warehouse. And it may not be a mistake by us to consider the death of a person as a shock. Shock test in technical terms is defined by the acceleration levels and time duration of the shocks. So in our context, maybe the creator characterises it by quantifying the news we hear. The person who died and the relation we have with the person have a direct influence. The evaluation of a system under shock test is done by analysing the performance during and after the shock. Maybe when we are subjected to such tests, it tests how good our sensory nerves are, how fast our hormones work, how the acceleration of our heartbeat is and finally evaluated by how we withstand the shock, how well our brains are trained and move on with life. The only difference being, the system under test has no remembrance of the test while the creator’s creation has. Every system made has a set of predefined shock test specifications as part of their acceptance test or qualification tests. It would be really interesting to know what the specifications the creator has set for us are.  The creator must be releasing the creations into field after clearing these tests and when the creation is not able to withstand the shocks of life the creator might get terribly disappointed. So it becomes our responsibility, come what may, to stand up to the creator’s expectations. Otherwise we are worth only of lying in the dark corners of the creator’s warehouse.