Monday 21 June 2010

The Art of Filling Spaces

The objective of this article is to tap the potential amount of study available in the area of the art of filling spaces at traffic signals and to bring forth their talent. It is very obvious, that everyone in this world is looking for space for occupation and it is expressed in different fashions particularly, in Indian roads and traffic signals. A study can be started by studying the linkage between such attitudes on road and the orientation and effective usage of the foetus in the mother's womb. Also it can be studied whether the drawings made by children at young age relate to their ‘space filling' attitude during later stages of life. On observation, it may be found that filling spaces does not derive any pattern but maybe linked to the momentary state of mind. If the person is disturbed by the previous set of events before driving, the person has a tendency to fill the space in a highly ridiculous manner, ushering in bedlam when the signal goes green. But this alone does not ensure that the person will stop properly otherwise. It also depends upon the knowledge of the person about the road rules and regulations. Also, the tendency can be seen more if the person has a set of events which require immediate attention and so the need to fill space in any possible orientation and any possible place. Use of footpaths and medians too in this regard is also prevalent. A study as to how people are standing in a queue may also reveal some interesting facts.
The types of people occupying the spaces can be categorised to certain extent as follows. First kind, they stop the vehicle such that the other fellow will not know whether the vehicle will go straight, left or right. Second, they stop the vehicle on the right side when they actually wanted to go straight. Third, they stop the vehicle from left to right indicating that the vehicle wants to go right and would do so at any cost. Fourth, due to constant poking, two wheelers drivers try to filling unimaginable spaces creatively. Fifth, stopping the vehicle behind another vehicle according to the lane notified. While, to find cases of the last category are least found, the fourth category is quite common and the most creative of them all. The first and second kinds are also common but many a time they end up so, reluctantly. So they do not deserve a compliment as high as the fourth kind. The third kind is to be experienced rather than being spoken about.
With the IT companies hiring again and the pool of selection getting bigger every year, an attempt to relate the space filling ability can be attributed to some skills required in the industry. The driving test can be made mandatory and the candidate’s attitude throughout can be monitored to derive results. But the infiltration of bribery in this case is to be checked as regularly as possible.
With this article, I have tried to bring out the hidden ability of some drivers in India and I hope these people will get their due which matches their talent in the coming years. 

1 comment:

  1. its nice gautam....u need to be more elaborative and expressive in ur blogs...
