Friday 27 May 2011

The rush of adrenaline

Two of my friends updated their Facebook status somedays back expressing their liking for writng exams, with one of them going to extent of expressing the thrill of going unprepeared, writing the exams for three hours and coming out with flying colours. Well, of course, both these people were class toppers during their academic years and were cause of jealousy among the lesser mortals. Coming to the rush of adrenaline, personally, I never felt this rush; in fact, it was not the adrenaline that was rushing but the time before the exams and afterwards the time left for finishing the paper.
Maybe, it all lies in what we expect from the results. The fear of exams arises from the fact that we fail to clear it may mean the end of many things. Only three persons can go for the exams without any tension; one who knows everything, because he is confident that he will come out successfully, one who knows nothing because he is confident that he will fail and the third, one who expects nothing because he is confident that the result is not going to deter him from what he wants to be. The common thing among all three is the confidence and I believe that it is one factor that decides. Most of the fear today arises from pressure from all sides and the inability to handle the pressure. But if the person is allowed to pursue what he/she wants, then the there is no question of pressure. He will display a unique calmness in getting things done successfully.
Finally it is always easy to talk all this but equally tough to implement.
By the way, my friend seems to be taking a test; all the best mate.

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