Monday 28 May 2012

Two Moons Of 1Q84

After a long time, I am putting down in virtual paper the nonsense in my head. I just finished a book and thought of writing about my opinion about the bunch of papers that followed the title 1Q84. The book written by Haruki Murakami in 2009 talks about two protagonists in Tokyo set in the year 1984. Many had told me that it has a slight analogy to the book 1984 but I had decided right from the first that I will make no comparisons and I feel that it was good not to. For those who are looking for an adventurous and fast paced action novel, no, this is not for you. This is for those who want a suspense fiction which slowly grows (sometimes it does test your patience). This book requires a lot of patience and keeps you guessing till the end and at the end you feel disappointed. Your expect turning points, sharp twists and turns and this book incorporates all this but you are taken though them slowly and gradually; so much that you never find a surprise as a surprise. The author creates the scenes as vivid as possible that you can almost imagine the scene. If you are a voracious reader and ‘cannot sleep unless you finish the book’ type then the book has the power to keep you engrossed, that much is guaranteed. And if you have the eyes to see it then you will see the intensity of the love story intertwined which actually is the backbone of the book. If the book really disappoints you then ponder about this last line and maybe you will see that you were not disappointed. It is not what you read but what you see and understand in your grey matter.

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